• info@vadath.com
  • P.O.Box:194; Postal Code:103; Jawharat A' Shati; Muscat; Sultanate of Oman
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About Dolphin IBA

Dolphin IBA is committed to becoming the “ultimate beauty partner” and has 10 products in its dashboard of beauty. Building upon its expertise balanced with tradition and modern science, Dolphin IBA operating in its cutting-edge beauty as its front end and natural ingredients as its back end. We are trying our level best to create beautiful people. Indian Botanicals are the core of Dolphin IBA’s skincare. Believing that In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, beauty secrets are found in nature, we dig the wisdom of Indian Botanicals and use these ingredients in the ultimate skin care products. Using the freeze dried donkey milk, rosemary among other ingredients to form our Dolphin IBA products we nourish the skin on a deeper level, utilizing the best of nature and science.

Added the Beauty Secret of Cleopatra

Experience the light-weight texture and the long-lasting benefits of a rich cream. THE FAIRNESS CREAM offers the ultimate antioxidants for your skin with each bottle of containing 250 ml donkey milk, milked from Dolphin IBA’s donkey farm.

Will Donkey Milk Make You More Beautiful?

Donkey milk in Dolphin IBA products are rich in vitamins (A, B, C, D, E) and fat acids (omega 3 and 6), helps to restore and protect the membranes of skin cells. The Lysozyme present in the formulations is suitable to be a skilled attenuator inflammatory states of the skin and scalp.

Historically donkey milk was part of beauty rituals of ancestral cultures. The Greeks considered Donkey milk as an excellent remedy, the Romans regarded it as a luxury drink. Hippocrates, the ancient Greek god of health, recommended it for all sorts of maladies: poisonings and snake bites, joint pains, wounds, etc. Cleopatra bathed in donkey milk to maintain her beauty.

Dolphin IBA – Dolphin International Business Architects are aiming to create the beautiful people across India and Around

The beauty is our front-end and the strong presence of natural ingredients are our back-end. Generating beauty from the natural ingredients is an art and the way of generating beauty is the science at Dolphin IBA.